Launching My Channel on YouTube

By Dr Samer Skaik

Very recently, I have launched a channel on Youtube. This channel aims to provide integrated, handy and focused educational materials for those interested in developing their competencies in construction project management, professional practice and leadership. My aim is to help raise the bar by providing sound, solid and up-to-date knowledge for students, graduates and professionals in the construction sector. The channel, in addition to the videos, includes other interesting educational playlists. You can display the playlists chronologically if you are keen to develop a robust understanding in the field and advance progressively towards mastering the subject.

The playlists include:

  1. My Videos (short lectures)
  2. Managing projects
  3. Doing Research
  4. Construction Management
  5. Professional Development

You are kindly invited to visit the channel, subscribe, share and provide feedback and ideas for improvement.

Samples of uploaded videos:

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